Locating Assets
Slow and steady wins this race. Here’s our checklist for locating assets.
Slow and steady wins this race. Here’s our checklist for locating assets.
It’s hard to know when to start and when to consult a lawyer. Common deadlines are explained here.
Does your Will name a charity? Giving money away is harder than you think.
The estate tax exemption amount just jumped to $10 million. Should that change your plans?
Is your plan too complex for your situation? Too simple? Here are some rough guidelines.
What’s a good age to name children as executor? Maybe 25, even 30, if ever.
Corporate fiduciaries are expensive, but sometimes a wise investment.
Fiduciaries are the people that will care for you and your family when you cannot. Here’s help picking.
Trustees manage your money long-term. Picking one is easier when you know what they do.