Foreign Wills
Foreign wills puzzle the best of lawyers. Here’s my checklist to organize the pieces.
Foreign wills puzzle the best of lawyers. Here’s my checklist to organize the pieces.
Your neighbors ask good questions. The answers may help you, too. Join the exchange here.
Driver safety is about more than taking the keys away. Here are resources and strategies to help support older drivers.
Slow and steady wins this race. Here’s our checklist for locating assets.
It’s hard to know when to start and when to consult a lawyer. Common deadlines are explained here.
Few medical agents get much practice guessing your wishes before disaster strikes. Here’s a quiz that will help.
Texas changes its statutory power of attorney frequently. Effective dates and select changes are summarized here.
Does your Will name a charity? Giving money away is harder than you think.
The estate tax exemption amount just jumped to $10 million. Should that change your plans?
Banks can’t reject your Statutory Durable Power of Attorney without reason. Here’s the certification you’ll need.
Are you at risk of flooding? Are you caring for someone who is? Here are some lessons learned from Harvey.
Residential construction is treacherous. Don’t sign a contract until you read this.